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Emil Wieder: A student of exchange

Emil Wieder is a German who is staying in our school with the Eleventh graders, he has told us about his life in Germany and his experience in Colombia learning Spanish.

Emil Wieder in our school.

What are the differences between the Colombian and the German education? In Germany, the education is easier for the students and we don’t have that much school. We go to school after school lunch three times a week and the other days we can go home at 12:30. It’s easier we don’t have to study that much. We have the same topics but the exercises are way easier.

Do you think there is any difference between the Colombian and the German culture?

Of course, for example here the people are way nicer and more welcoming.

There is any Colombian expression or tradition that you think is strange?

Of course, basically every expression because I’m not that good at Spanish and it’s also weird for that you can drive wherever you want on the street, in Europe you can only be faster on the left side.

Why are you interested in coming to Colombia?

To improve my Spanish and we had someone from the school in our school in Germany and we got friends and now I’m here.

What were your expectations of Colombia? There is any place in Colombia you want to visit ? I want to visit Chocó.

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